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The Movember Movement: How the power of the moustache raises awareness for Men's Health

People, especially men, are still unwilling or unable to talk about cancer. 

Most of us have been directly or at least indirectly affected by cancer. Whether it is a family member, your life partner, a best friend, a neighbor or perhaps it is YOU who has been diagnosed. One way or another, it is almost inescapable today. (Order your Movember coasters here)

  Movember, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, suicide prevention, movember coasters, movember beer coasters, beer coasters, order movember coasters, movember foundation, movember mental health, promote movember awareness month, month of movember  

No one is immune from cancer. For anyone who has been on a cancer journey, survivers and fighters alike, will tell you it's a trial of the stoic and the brave, for all involved. Prostate cancer as an example, is an often difficult topic for men to openly talk about. And only by opening up a dialogue on the subject will the taboo surrounding it be quashed and more will feel able to discuss it, therefore be more aware of its early warning signs. 

Movember, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, suicide prevention, movember coasters, movember beer coasters, beer coasters, order movember coasters, movember foundation, movember mental health, promote movember awareness month, month of movemberMovements like "MOVEMBER" do an excellent job ripping the lid off this taboo on sensitive topics such as prostate cancer. Part the Movember goal is to get more people, men in particularly, to open up and talk about it, in the hopes that learning about early symptoms can make the disease less frightening, and potentially save lives. 

Following this article we show you a great way to help promote your own Movember Campaign.

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in American men, behind only lung cancer. Movember is a means to educate men about prostate cancer and emphasize the importance of taking charge of their health.

Movember, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, suicide prevention, movember coasters, movember beer coasters, beer coasters, order movember coasters, movember foundation, movember mental health, promote movember awareness month, month of movemberWe know people in our lives who are fighting cancer with all their might right now at this very minute, while others who can firmly say they have either survived or are in remission, or just holding on and many more who have lost the battle altogether. Cancer is unforgiving and often times relentless. It knows no bounds and holds no prejudices. Sometimes when we think we have beaten the ugly monster, it returns; if it does return, it’s often with a vengeance.

Better education, building awareness, learning about effective preventative measures and treatments not to mention taking better care of yourself and each other are all part of the battle process. And it is a battle we should all be fighting to win in a global war on cancer that takes lot of money to conquer. (order Movember coasters here)

Movember aims to increase the awareness and early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments to ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths.

Topics like prostate cancer and men’s mental health issues are no laughing matter, it is not a joyful topic of discussion by any stretch. So to lighten up on the topic of mens health we are seeing everyday gents sporting moustaches every November. They are sharing their stories, inspiring people to participate in local and global fundraising events while encouraging preventative education and yes, having some FUN with it. (order Movember coasters here)

Movember, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, suicide prevention, movember coasters, movember beer coasters, beer coasters, order movember coasters, movember foundation, movember mental health, promote movember awareness month, month of movemberFor one month, hundreds of thousands of men all over the globe have something in common by joining in together and growing a moustache for Movember. There’s mo’ limit to how much money can be raised for awareness of men’s health. Mo bro’s and Mo sistas (as supporters and participants are described) will be partnering with the “Movember” movement to spread this awareness through fundraising efforts to help raise money for men’s health issues, which has now spread to over a hundred countries around the world with almost one million participants.

And there’s much Mo’ to it!

The Movember Foundation has raised hundreds of millions worldwide – during the month of November since 2003 with its moustache-growing contests and other events, currently now in over 21 countries. (order Movember coasters here)

Men generally do not talk to anyone about their mental health.

One recent commissioned survey of 1,000 men to uncover men’s attitudes towards their own mental health showed that 77% have suffered with anxiety/stress/depression. When asked why they don't talk about their mental health: 

  • ‘I’ve learnt to deal with it’ (40%) 
  • ‘I don’t wish to be a burden to anyone’ (36%)
  • ‘I’m too embarrassed’ (29%)
  • ‘There’s negative stigma around this type of thing’ (20%)
  • ‘I don’t want to admit I need support’ (17%)
  • ‘I don’t want to appear weak’ (16%)
  • ‘I have no one to talk to’ (14%)

Respondents were asked about the biggest causes of pressure in their life.  Work related pressure came top of the list at 32%. This was followed closely by financial pressures at 31% and health concerns at 23%.

Preventing Suicide in Men

Movember, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, suicide prevention, movember coasters, movember beer coasters, beer coasters, order movember coasters, movember foundation, movember mental health, promote movember awareness month, month of movemberOur fathers, brothers, sons and friends are dying by suicide. Every minute. Of every day.

YOU are NOT ALONE! Mental health problems can affect anyone but stigma and discrimination can stop people opening up about their experiences and seeking help.

However, movements like MOVEMBER can help strengthen friendships, aid recovery, break down stereotypes and take the taboo out of something that affects us all. 

Check out Movember's resources for mental health. Designed to work for men. (order Movember coasters here)

The Global Journal listed Movember as one of the top 100 NGOs (non government organization) in the world.

Movember blog, Movember, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, suicide prevention, movember coasters, movember beer coasters, beer coasters, order movember coasters, movember foundation, movember mental health, promote movember awareness month, month of movember, what is movember, early detection of prostate cancer, order your custom printed movember coasters, beer coaster, beer coasters, promotional movember coastersIn 2007, events were launched in Ireland, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Spain, the United Kingdom, Israel, South Africa, Taiwan, and the United States. So how does a movement that has grown from its roots in Australia into a worldwide phenomenon bring awareness to such bleak subject matter without saturating us with scary statistics or shocking images? By aiming to forever change the face of men's health through the power of the moustache of course! Social media has been a tremendous mechanism for the Mo’movement reach-out from the world down-under creating ambassadors the planet over with Canada often leading the pack. Their primary message is to encourage men to get annual checkups, be aware of any family history of cancer and to adopt a healthier lifestyle. (order Movember coasters here)

Changing the face of men's health through the power of the moustache. 

Be a part of the Movember movement by following these simple steps.

Firstly, November means you start with a clean shaven face. Yes, bald is beautiful! At least it is starting on November 1st. Oh, some of you are probably thinking you hate seeing your face without hair or you're just not sure which style to go for. Do some research, have a chat with your barber, your partner and fellow mates. Focus on growing the goal.

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Sign up on You'll learn more about their different causes, how to get involved, collect donations, even if you're not growing whiskers of your own.

Don’t lose sight of the purpose and goal - what and who you’re doing this for. Resist the urge to shave! Let your mustache be the star of the show. You're bound to get a few compliments – and probably some questions from friends or family. That's ok. It gives you the opportunity to share exactly why Movember is an important time of year. The whole point of Movember is to use your mustache for advocacy and discussion. Your mustache will give you the platform to give people the facts behind illnesses like depressionprostate cancer, and testicular cancer.

Create Your Movember BEER COASTER Campaign

Coasters offer a way to maximize your promotional efforts.

Some organizations are hosting special events and industry challenges. Whether it's a golf tournament, band night, on campus or at the sports club, perhaps a Mo karaoke bar night, unite your friends and colleagues this Movember. Get together to raise funds, make some noise in your community, and help stop men dying too young. (order Movember coasters here)


Amplify Your Movember Campaign With Customized COASTERS!

Get a head start with your Movember Campaign initiative and order your custom double-sided Movember Beer Coasters! Choose from several coaster templates available here. Add your logo or graphic and customize your text. Design-It-Yourself ONLINE here!

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Good luck with your Movember campaign. Share your successes and challenges. Let us know how YOU are using your Movember Coasters. Follow us on X, Instagram & Facebook.

Coaster Factory manufactures the most durable coasters available on the market with the longest lifespan.

Coaster Factory is North America’s premier beer coaster manufacturer.

High Quality, Coaster Printing, Colors & Materials: Our offset presses print FULL color (CMYK) on BOTH sides of your coasters (spot color is available). Not only do Coaster Factory's authentic European Pulpboard coasters effectively absorb spills, they’re lightweight, firm, and look great too!

Great Prices: We offer competitive pricing on any size coaster order, from 1,200 into the millions! We have standard value pack pricing for most common quantities and can provide quotes for larger or customized orders. Have your artwork, logo, picture or design printed full color on both sides with many size and custom shape options.

Fast Delivery: Need your coasters quickly? Whether your order is large or small, you'll receive your custom coasters fast. We offer standard as well as GUARANTEED RUSH production options (extra fees apply).

Your brand is the most powerful tool in your toolbox and coasters are a unique, useful and cost effective way to promote your product, promotional campaign or company message. The biggest brands on the planet have known this for a very long time!

Call Coaster Factory @ 1-866-BEERMAT