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Coaster Factory brings you the ultimate coast-to-coast road trip guide to 2013 CANADIAN Summer Beer Festivals

Canadians love their beer, eh? It's all in the DNA! 

In 2010, statistics revealed that Canadian sales of beer topped $9 billion with Quebec, B.C. and Ontario leading the pack.

[Statistics Canada]

Although Canadians are loyal to their big brand brews, the specialty craft and micro beer industry is seeing a steady healthy growth. There seems to be a North American wide craft beer revolution as more of us learn about the complexities and unique characteristics of beer, which are really not unlike that of wine.

Still, several reports do suggest that Canadian wine, whiskey and liqueur sales are taking a healthy bite into the hops-and-barley lovers market. Wine under the HOT summer sun? Maybe in the shade perhaps. But it's BEER that seems like the most logical libation in which to cleanse and refresh the palate after downing a pile of gravy laden squeaky cheese curds, better known as Poutine. The official Canadian comfort food!

What better excuse to knock back a few brewsky's than at a Canadian Summer Beer Festival?

beer festivals, canadian beer festivals, beer coasters, custom coasters, bar coastersWe know this beer fest has come and gone, however, you really should know about it. Starting May 29th through June 2nd, 2013 is the Festival Mondial de la bière 2013 Montreal, Quebec. In addition to offering up over 550 different beers, meads, ciders and other beverages for taste testing consumption including 229 beers never before seen at the fest, the 20th edition hones in on the concept of cooking with beer, offering on-site demonstrations for interested parties.

There are several great one and two day mini beer fests throughout British Columbia year round. Running from May 31 to June 8, 2013 is the Vancouver Craft Beer Week in various locations. This year they’re bringing you 9 signature events, 6 featured events, 6 walk-up events, and some epic week-long specials dedicated to all things craft beer. Featuring larger events, more breweries and special guests from the brewing industry, both local and abroad. Craft Beer appreciation is growing, and through a week of events focused on Canada's blossoming craft beer community, VCBW brings you over 60 breweries at over 30 venues during the nine days.

June 14th - 15th The Edmonton Craft Beer Festival will be making its Father's Day weekend debut at the Edmonton Expo Centre celebrating beer culture in Alberta.  Experts will share their knowledge through Brew Master Seminars, Cooking With Beer Seminars, food & beer pairings, and so much more. And when it’s all done – cast your vote for your favorite beer and food.

June 14th - 16th Beach BBQ & Brews Festival. An annual festival taking place on Father’s Day weekend at Woodbine Park, Toronto Ontario. An incredible venue located at Woodbine Park in the “Beach” in the east end of Toronto is family friendly, active and the place to be!

June 16th - 23rd Ontario Craft Beer Week is a week-long, province-wide festival that celebrates the thriving locally-based craft beer industry in Ontario and exposes consumers to the premium quality and culture of Ontario craft beer. OCB Week 2013 will feature 30+ craft brewers producing over 150 events in 50+ communities throughout Ontario. Check out their website for full details and event schedules

July 13th, 2013 is The Brewer’s Bash downtown Fredericton, New Brunswick. An all-star cast of 60 Craft Breweries and over 300 beers from all over Canada -- from the Yukon to Newfoundland. This one is ALL about sampling beers, with great music. Highly recommended!

July 26th – July 28th Toronto’s Festival of Beer is one of Canada’s largest annual beer festivals featuring over 60 different beers from all over the world, 200 brands, in addition to wine, cider. We hear that the Saturday event has already sold out!

August 3rd is the Muskoka Beer Festival located in Bracebridge, Ontario.  If you're headed to cottage country this summer, check out this outdoor celebration featuring 20 craft brewers as well as wine, cider, entertainment and food.

August 9th - 10th 2013 7th Annual Halifax Seaport Beerfest. Named Festival of the Year in Halifax’s FACES magazine, the Halifax Seaport BeerFest attendees can sample from over 200 local, regional and international beers and ciders at three sessions over two days. The event will also host an Irish Craft Beer Village, featuring over 25 unique beers direct from Ireland. Specialty pavilions will also return from Ontario, Quebec and Maine.

Sept 6th - 7th 2013: The Great Canadian Beer Festival has become one of the worlds' must-attend beer events. For 20 years now, people from all over the globe seek out the beautiful city of Victoria in British Columbia and the GCBF every year. The GCBF is held each year on the first weekend after Labour Day with over 55 craft breweries from across Canada and the USA and more than 8,000 happy people coming together in the beautiful city of Victoria to celebrate the diversity of the brewers' craft. As always, we will feature non-stop entertainment by local acts and once again there will be a fantastic selection of food offered by local restaurants and caterers.

September 13th - 21st is Toronto Beer Week. By their own admission, festival organizers of Toronto Beer Week are "dedicated to the celebration and advancement of the craft beer movement" and there will be hundreds of events, ranging from beer dinners, to cask beer tastings, brewing demonstrations, homebrew contests and much more.

Sept 27th - 28th, 2013 HopScotch, Kelowna British Columbia is The West Coast's long-running superior premium Whisky, Beer, and Spirit festival is now the biggest combined Whisky and Beer festival across all of Canada. The Hopscotch Festival, held last year in September, was an immense success! More than 3200 people from around The Okanagan attended to taste, sip, and learn about hundreds of different products. Ranging from 20 year old Scotch Whisky to Frozen Margaritas to craft beer from around the province to delicious Indian food, there was something for everybody.

October 11th-19th: Even though the summer has long ended by this time, we cannot ignore Canada’s greatest Bavarian Festival, Oktoberfest!! Held each year in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario since 1969, Oktoberfest has developed its own traditions, becoming the largest Bavarian beer festival in North America with the greatest Thanksgiving Day Parade in Canada. Thousands of visitors celebrate annually attending one or more 40 family and cultural events.


Coaster Factory makes custom beer coasters!

   beer festivals, canadian beer festivals, beer coasters, custom coasters, bar coasters

Whether you need a small amount of custom coasters to promote your bar or restaurant or a large number of promotional coasters for your major beer brand or festival, we can handle your coaster order in any quantity -- from just a few thousand into the millions. 

Check out our coaster pricing options HERE!!

  beer festival, craft beer festivals, beer coasters, custom coasters,